Hey guys! Long time, no talk? Do you still know who I am? Well, for those of you who still remember; thank you! Haha! And for those to don't, it's me, Denise. :) I'm one of the hundreds of thousands of millions and billions or rather gazillion who enjoys random things. So, remember now? Good. haha!
Yes, yes. I know, I know. I've been out way too long. Sigh. How do I explain myself? Well, first I must say that a lot really happened in my life during the times that I was out of the cyber scene, so that's why I couldn't update you. It felt like I was kind of sick tho. Of course, I have to fake things so that not much people would worry about me. I feel really troubled if people were to worry about my own drama so, as much as possible I really try to hide it. But these past few day, I think, things are starting becoming quite "normal" again.
Okay, like I was saying about sickness again. Somehow it was kind of like that but it doesn't at the same time. Confusing right? I know. I too was caught up in this terrible dilemma. The feeling was really horrible, like that song "killing me softly" wow, shot right in the heart.
Alright, enough of the negativity stuff there. Since this is my very first entry for the year 2013 please allow me to greet you a happy happy new year tho it seems super late. :) So, what were your new year's resolution? What are you hoping for this year?What's new to you? Me? I just what to live a happy life or like a life with no regrets in base of my personality. Haha! Sounds rather really difficult with all the things that are going on with my life. But I will really do my very best to do it so. And I got dental braces too.
DUDE! THEY ARE SUCH A PAIN! Whoo! I got these last December 29, 2012. Did I get it for fashion or for trends? 'Cause it's kinda a hit for yappies like me tho. BUT AS IF.. I got these 'cause the dentist said so and that my teeth are so out forward 'cause of the baby me thumb sucking before. So this is the punishment? Haa... Just whatever. It's so hard to eat with them on, not like before you can just chow down whatever I feel like. But now, it's different. I'm bound to eat only like soft ones so that my brackets won't fall off. And I'll be doing this for nearly 2 years? Good Lord!
And there's another thing that I want to do, living let's say the healthy way. Like getting more exercise and eat right, don't mind about the sleeping habits 'cause that already that thanks to my insomnia. Oh? Haha! I just remembered something, I told this to one of my good buddies and she was like "dude, how could you betray, Jack Daniel? What about Johnny Walker?" And I was like? Okay. Haha! Maybe I will still party but not like before. I'm not getting younger as each day pass so I will do it the Usher way, nice and slow. haha!
Haha! Okay, I would take much of your time guys. But it sure does feel good to be back again. :) I will post more of whatevers that caught my attention. I have lots and lots of stories to share. So please, stay tuned. Haha!
Once more, THANK YOU GUYS. :D
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