Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Oh? Rawr!!

Hey guys! Yes, yes, I am so sorry, I've been m.i.a'ing again. Haha! So how are you? I'm kinda stressed out and worried about my so far away Gram. Her daughter said that she was rushed in the hospital again. Sigh. Sometime it's just hard not to worry about old people, when they still think that their youth pars with kids these days. Geez.. So anyway, I'm not here to talk about my personal dramas. I'm here to share about my weekend heart break. Haha! Seriously, I was broken hearted over the weekend.

I may not look that sporty at all but I do love sports. For all you know I've played basketball, tennis, badminton, soccer and what so ever one way or another. There's this new sport that's really booming and it kinda drive people really crazy 'cause of the thrill the get. I'm pretty sure you know MMA or Mix Martial Arts.

I'm pretty sure ya'll know about what MMA is. I really like the MMA thrill, it's the best of all the martial arts world, it's a full on hand to hand combat sport where in you can use any kind of technique to kick your opponent's ass down. Actually, MMA's starting to get big here in the Philippines but I think it's still kinda indie underground sport like. I don't really know much fighters here too. And I'm not much of a fan too, the fight's cool but when the blood starts dripping that's when I skedaddle. I don't like blood! It scares the crap in me. Hemophobia? Well, not to the extent tho. I just don't like seeing people covered in blood. Eww. Totally disgusting! So anyway, tho I'm not much of a MMA fa, I just like the fighter named Mark Muñoz.

Oh c'mon now! Doesn't he looks so heavenly?! Haha! Yeah, he's my favorite MMA fighter. He too is a Filipino but he grew up in the States. Like I said, he's Mark Muñoz or better knows as "The Filipino Wrecking Machine" now, that's a badass name right there! He was here in the Philippines last weekend for the UFC tour but I wasn't able to see him. So I was pretty broken hearted.

 Yes,  I supported him because he's a brother from another mother. I also like his passion for the Philippines, tho he grew up in a different country, he still chose to give pride to a place where he's not very familiar.

So yeah last weekend, I wasn't able to see him in person that made me real sad. Honestly, I've only seen him fight in documentaries so I was really excited to know that he's coming by there but yeah sad to say I didn't win passes to see him. BUT! Yes, the amazing but; there are rumors that he'll be figthing here for the Pinoy fans to see him. I would really want him to see fight. I'm going to look forward for that.

Hmmm... Seeing all this makes me feel like hitting the gym for some hand to hand muay thai combat. Haha! Uraaaaa!!! (sounds weird? eh?! that's how anime fight scene would sound.)

I did some shopping over the weekend too, to move on from the heartache. Haha! I've write something about my weekend shopping pretty soon. What about you guys, what happened over your weekend? I hope you too had a nice weekend.
I'm out. Forever, THANK YOU! :)


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